Around the house

My daughter’s best friend is a tomato, but coming in at a close second, is the Pink Lady. My daughter suffers from a compulsive apple addiction. Each time I think that I have moved the fruit bowl far enough from her grasp, she manages to find one more. Of course, she never finishes one and then moves on to the next in some sort of common sense, sequential order. Most often she will take a few bites from one, set it down, and go find another, only to eventually have both in her hands, alternating each mouthful. If somehow I am able to keep her apple to mouth ratio stable at 1:1, she will eat that apple until what remains resembles a small grape, and then throw it away and pick up another on her way back.

Romper | James Vincent Design

Dearest Monday


When I worked for the California Department of Public Health, I worked on the fourth floor. Ironically, anyone that worked in this building had to take the elevator to, at least, the second floor. From there you could decide to walk up an additional few flights to your office (if you were a health conscious stair-taker), or you could stay in the elevator to your destination (like most pre-caffeinated workers). Prior to working for Public Health, I always took the stairs. After working there for 2 years, my love for the stairs has only increased, at least on Mondays. Why? Because inevitably, every Monday without fail, someone in the elevator would have to make a sad remark… that would go something like this:

Me:        Good Morning.
Them:   (Audible exhale) It’s Monday.
Me:        (Internal dialogue) Please. Just quit your job. Please.

Me:        Morning.  (Sip coffee, look busy)
Them:   Morning. How are you?
Me:        Me? Oh, I’m okay, just waking up…
Them:   Oooooh, you have a case of the…
Me:        (Please don’t say it…)
Me:        Sigh

This often leads to me having to faux-snicker at their sad wittiness, kill them with kindness, or pretend I didn’t hear them. Usually, I chose the second or third option, but ideally, I would have just been able to choose the stairs. Anyhow, here are eight things from around the web that didn’t give me the Monday blues (aside from the potential of making my wallet thinner):

Love this sweet cotton poppy baby/toddler quilt from Little Unicorn .

This Space Invader Vintage Berber Carpet makes me feel all sorts of happy. I love it when designers merge childhood nostalgia and adult aesthetics.

This DIY Mid-Century bed frame tutorial makes me want to jump in the garage and get to work.
I’d jump down a rabbit hole to find out who makes these shoes, but I haven’t been successful yet.

This Where the Wild Things Are birthday cake is so magical.

These storage bins for flour, sugar (etc…) should come standard in ever kitchen.

I would not have considered painting a wood floor in a kitchen but…

Hello SOLD OUT Marc Jacobs Kiltie flats.

Bucket List

I really like the idea of a bucket list, except that I really am not a list-follower. When I go to the grocery store, I usually make a list of items I need, and most often it is forgotten on the kitchen table. It is not to say that I don’t like making lists, I make them all of the time, but once I have written something down, I might as well just throw it away. Sometimes I make lists within lists, which really makes it hard when I’m staring at the sour cream in the grocery store and trying to visualize how many cups I needed to make the cheesecake.

I started writing a bucket list a few weeks ago, but I would be lying if said I intended on following it. I would like to think that one day when I’m ninety, I will find it cleaning under the refrigerator, and smile because I did remember, and didn’t ever need the list anyhow.

Bucket list

  1. Maintain a successful (it’s all relative) blog
  2. Adopt the oldest cat/dog at the animal shelter
  3. Fly first class
  4. Own a business
  5. Live in NY or SF for a year
  6. Have a small farm (or big garden) on the countryside for a year
  7. Always have fresh flowers on my kitchen table
  8. Buy a 1970’s 2002 Series BMW
  9. Spend 6 months traveling
  10. Publish a kids book
  11. Play an instrument (passed the embarrassment stage)
  12. Become Vegetarian (for good)
  13. Volunteer for Death with Dignity or a similar organization
  14. Pay off all debt (even for just one moment)
  15. Have a 1 Million (or greater) life insurance policy