Bucket List

I really like the idea of a bucket list, except that I really am not a list-follower. When I go to the grocery store, I usually make a list of items I need, and most often it is forgotten on the kitchen table. It is not to say that I don’t like making lists, I make them all of the time, but once I have written something down, I might as well just throw it away. Sometimes I make lists within lists, which really makes it hard when I’m staring at the sour cream in the grocery store and trying to visualize how many cups I needed to make the cheesecake.

I started writing a bucket list a few weeks ago, but I would be lying if said I intended on following it. I would like to think that one day when I’m ninety, I will find it cleaning under the refrigerator, and smile because I did remember, and didn’t ever need the list anyhow.

Bucket list

  1. Maintain a successful (it’s all relative) blog
  2. Adopt the oldest cat/dog at the animal shelter
  3. Fly first class
  4. Own a business
  5. Live in NY or SF for a year
  6. Have a small farm (or big garden) on the countryside for a year
  7. Always have fresh flowers on my kitchen table
  8. Buy a 1970’s 2002 Series BMW
  9. Spend 6 months traveling
  10. Publish a kids book
  11. Play an instrument (passed the embarrassment stage)
  12. Become Vegetarian (for good)
  13. Volunteer for Death with Dignity or a similar organization
  14. Pay off all debt (even for just one moment)
  15. Have a 1 Million (or greater) life insurance policy